The aim of the third UN Sustainable Development Goal: Good Health and Well-Being is to “ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages”. The books below introduce readers to a range of health and well-being topics including personal hygiene, mindfulness and mental health. With books dedicated to young children and teenagers, readers of all ages will be able to benefit from and develop their understanding of this important subject matter.

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Around the World in a Bathtub: Bathing All Over the Globe

by Wade Bradford (Author), Micha Archer (Illustrator)
Review: This joyous book shines a light on bathtimes around the world. Delightful illustrations and tidbits of information linked to bathing rituals across the globe, provide a perfect introduction to personal hygiene for children. Highly engaging illustrations draw the reader in, providing plenty of opportunities for discussion. Bathtimes in Japan, Turkey, India and the Alaskan tundra all feature. At the end of the book, some additional information is provided about five of the countries discussed. This is a real treat to add to a child’s bookshelves.
Suggested Reading Age: 3 – 7 years old.
Nonfiction Nuggets Teaching Tip: Find Out More: Ask students if they can find out about bathing rituals from other countries not included in the book.

by Lesa Cline-Ransome (Author), James Ransome (Illustrator)
Review: This colourful, inviting book tells the story of germs in a fun and appealing way. Readers learn about the history of germs as they follow along with Sam Salmonella. They are introduced to a host of different germs, both good and bad, such as acidophilus and streptococcus. As they read, children learn about key scientists in the field and their discoveries. This book makes learning about germs interesting and exciting, highlighting how germs are all around us. A terrific introduction to the history of germs, this stunningly illustrated book is highly recommended.
Suggested Reading Age: 5 – 6 years old. In my opinion, this would also make a great introduction for older primary students, too.
Nonfiction Nuggets Teaching Tips: Germ Hunt: Ask students to write the names of different germs they have learnt about on pieces of paper. Hide these around the classroom. Where possible, put the germ on an item where it would typically be found. Get the students to hunt the germs. Having found the germs, ask them to explain what the germ is they have found and whether it was put in the correct place.
My Bare Feet

by H J Ray
Review: And breathe….My Bare Feet is a delightful introduction to grounding (feeling more connected to the earth by walking barefoot as described by the author). Perfect for reading at home as well as in the classroom, this book plants the seeds of mindfulness in its readers. Beautiful illustrations, accompanied by simple, yet rich, reflection-inducing text, help readers to stop and connect with the world around them. A guided meditation further contributes to the positive impact of the book, making this a fully immersive experience.
Suggested Reading Age: 5 – 9 years old.
Nonfiction Nuggets Teaching Tip: Sensory Walk: Ask students to design a sensory walk in an area of the playground or at home. Discuss what they could include to stimulate the senses and to help people connect with nature.
The Ultimate Kids’ Guide to Being Super Healthy

by Dr. Nina Shapiro (Author), Nicole Grimes (Illustrator)
Review: This comprehensive book helps children to understand what it means to be healthy. Following an introductory note to grown-ups, Dr Shapiro dives in to directly address her target audience. Written in a friendly, fun, easy-to-understand manner, she explains the importance of good nutrition, sleep and exercise to her young readers, providing them with the background science as to why these are important for our bodies. Framed around questions children often ask, such as “Why can’t I stay up later?” and “Why can’t I have more screen time?” this book is instantly relatable to many readers. Inset boxes with fun activities further add to the book’s appeal.
Suggested Reading Age: 6 – 10 years old. In my opinion, this is better suited to 9 – 10-year-olds up to teenagers.
Nonfiction Nuggets Teaching Tip: My Questions: Collect any questions that students have about their health/bodies, etc. Research the answers together. Inspired by the activities in the book, ask students if they can come up with some hands-on activities to demonstrate healthy actions they can take or the impact of healthy actions on how the body works.
Mindfulness for Teens

by Jennie Marie Battistin MA LMFT
Review: This super book is perfect to help teens (and adults!) step back, take a pause and realign themselves as they deal with their lives. Packed full of useful tips and guidance, readers will benefit from setting aside the 10 minutes daily that the author recommends. Mindfulness for Teens begins by explaining what mindfulness is, before outlining the 4 types of exercises featured in the book (calming, focussing, reconnecting and responding) and sharing several helpful breathing techniques. The book is divided into three main parts (Mindful Mornings, Midday Mindfulness, Mindfulness at Night) and concludes with further information and how to learn more. Presented in a bright, eye-catching way, Mindfulness for Teens is visually appealing. This would make a great present for teenagers in your life as well as a useful addition to any library.
Suggested Reading Age: Teenagers. In my opinion, many adults would also find the breathing exercises alone helpful for themselves and also for younger children.
Nonfiction Nuggets Teaching Tip: Let’s Collect: Encourage students to look for other mindfulness techniques and try them out. Ask them to share these newfound techniques with others as they too may benefit from them.
Happy Reading!
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